Description | File |
Memorandum regarding antipsychotics for beneficiaries less than 18 years of age - 05/26/2021 | ProvMem-20210526 |
Memorandum regarding antipsychotics for beneficiaries less than 18 years of age - 01/08/2016 | ProvMem-20160108 |
Effective April 1, 2017, Arkansas Medicaid will be utilizing a new pricing methodology for the reimbursement of covered outpatient legend and non-legend drugs. CMS has mandated that all state Medicaid programs can no longer utilize AWP pricing and must move towards a more accurate actual acquisition cost methodology. The Arkansas Medicaid lesser of methodology will price claims off Usual and Customary, National Average Drug Acquisition Cost (NADAC) rates (in cases where the NADAC is terminated or is not reported, WAC may be used as a backup) and all ACA FUL rates and SAAC (State Actual Acquisition Cost previously referred to as State MAC) rates will still apply. The Professional Dispensing Fee will be increased to $9 for Brand and Non-Preferred Brand drugs and $10.50 for Generics and Brand Preferred drugs. Claims submitted for a date of service on or after 04/01/2017 will use the new pricing methodology and dispensing fees. Claims submitted for a date of service prior to 04/01/2017 will use the old pricing methodology (AWP) and dispensing fee ($5.51). Please refer to Section II of the Pharmacy Provider Manual to view the fully detailed reimbursement methodology.
ACA FUL rates are updated monthly and NADAC rates are calculated monthly but can change on a weekly basis. NADAC rates that potentially change are released on Wednesdays. Most common reasons a NADAC may change weekly instead of monthly may be due to provider inquiry to the NADAC Help Desk or the WAC rate changes on a brand drug which triggers the Brand NADAC to be recalculated. Arkansas Medicaid gets the drug file reported to them on a weekly basis from First Data Bank and is generally loaded on Saturday nights. The effective date of any ACA FUL or NADAC on the file will be backdated in our system to reflect the effective date on the weekly drug file in which it was reported. If a NADAC rate is published on 04/12/2017 that has an effective date of 04/01/2017, when Arkansas Medicaid loads the drug file the following weekend on 04/15/2017, we will load the retro effective date of 04/01/2017 so that any claim can be resubmitted by the provider manually to process off the updated rate.
All ACA FUL and NADAC rates are available for anyone to view at
To aid pharmacy providers, Arkansas Medicaid has created an informational sheet on the NADAC Request for Medicaid Reimbursement Review form below. This informational sheet is not affiliated to Myers and Stauffer LLC in any way as it is just an aid and should not be submitted to the NADAC Help Desk as part of their review inquiry. All NADAC forms needs to be submitted to Myers and Stauffer LLC but copied to Arkansas Medicaid to prove you have filed your issue with Myers and Stauffer LLC.
NADAC Help Desk:
Toll-free phone: (855) 457-5264
Electronic mail:
Facsimile: (844) 860-0236
Description | File |
Arkansas Medicaid CAP List | cul.pdf |
Arkansas Medicaid Price Research Request Form | AR_Medicaid_SMAC_Price_ Research_Request_Form |
Description | File |
Arkansas Medicaid Cough and Cold List | candclist.pdf |
Description | File |
Covered Labelers | ARRx_covered_labelers.pdf |
In an emergency, for those drugs for which a five-day supply can be dispensed, an Arkansas Medicaid enrolled pharmacy may dispense up to a five-day supply of a drug that requires prior authorization. This provision applies only in an emergency situation when the MMA Prescription Drug Help Desk and the State Medicaid Pharmacy Program offices are closed, and the pharmacist is not able to contact the prescribing provider to change the prescription. The Emergency Supply Policy does not apply to drugs that are not covered by the State. Frequency of the emergency override is limited to once per year per drug class for non-LTC beneficiaries and once per 60 days per drug class for LTC beneficiaries. To file a claim using this emergency provision, the pharmacy provider will submit a “03” in the Level of Service (418 DI) field.
Get more information about e-prescribing by referring to the "e-prescribing project overview" tab.
Description | File |
Evidence-Based Prescription Drug Program Overview | PDL_Overview.pdf |
Preferred Drug List | PDL.pdf |
Prior Authorization Criteria | PACriteria.pdf |
General Medication Coverage Policy | General Medication Coverage Policy.pdf |
For more information, refer to the PDL Provider Notifications, PDL Manufacturer Information and Additional PDL Information sections in the "Additional Prescription Drug Information" tab.
View CMS Mandated Production Deletions.
Description | File |
Exclusions from Coverage | Exclusions.pdf |
Description | File |
Pharmacy Extension of Benefit Criteria | EOB.pdf |
Extension of Benefit - Act 758 | EOB_758.pdf |
Description | File |
Generic Upper Limits | gul.pdf |
Description | File |
Medicare Part D Excluded—Allowed by Arkansas Medicaid | 1927d.pdf |
Description | File |
Documentation of Medical Necessity for Brand Name Drugs with a Generic UpperLimit | MWdescription.pdf |
MedWatch Patient Information Request Form | ptrequest.pdf |
Submitting MedWatch Documentation for Review
Get FDA MedWatch forms online at: MedWatch Forms for FDA Safety Reporting - Expires 06/30/2025
Fax completed FDA MedWatch Form and MedWatch Patient Information Request Form to (800) 424-7976
Description | File |
NCPDP VERSION D.0 Claim Billing/Claim Re-Bill Template – Medicaid | ARRx_D0_Payer_Sheet.pdf |
Description | File |
Oncology Drug Management Policy | Oncology policy |
Prior Authorization Criteria for Select Oncology Medications | Prior Authorization Criteria |
Oncology Medication Prior Authorization Form | Oncology Prior Authorization form |
Description | File |
Opioid Prior Authorization Information | Opioid Prior Authorization Information.pdf |
More information on Opioids:
Arkansas Information Regarding Narcan
Arkansas Opioid Response Dashboard
Calculating Total Daily Dose of Opioids for Safer Dosage
CDC Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids
CDC Information on Drug Overdose
FDA In Brief: FDA requires new warnings for gabapentoids about risk of respiratory depression
Gabapentin Abuse: Symptoms, Effects, Overdose & Treatment
Morphine Milligram Equivalents (MME) Calculator
National Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder 2020 Focused
Pain Management Best Practice Inter-Agency Task Report
Polypharmacy - The Dangers of Mixing Benzodiazepines With Opiates
The Polypharmacy Overdose: A Killer Trend
2018 Annual Surveillance Report of Drug-Related Risks and Outcomes - United States
Description | File |
Arkansas Medicaid Covered OTC List | otclist.pdf |
Description | File |
Pharmacy Administered Vaccines Billing Instructions |
ARRx_Pharmacy_Administered_ Vaccines.pdf |
Pharmacy Administered Vaccine Information 2020 | Pharmacy_Administered_Vaccine_ Information_2020 |
Covid-19 Antigen detection testing | Covid19_Antigen_detection_testing |
Pharmacy Administered Vaccine Place of Service Code |
Pharmacy_Administered_Vaccine_ Place_of_Service_Code |
Provider Memorandum 07/27/2021 | Provider_Memorandum_07272021 |
Provider memorandum 12/08/2020 | Provider_Memorandum_12082020 |
Provider memorandum 07/01/2020 | Provider_Memorandum_07012020 |
Description | File |
Fiscal Integrity Edits and Audits | ClaimEdits.pdf |
Claim Edits Max Quantity Blood Pressure Medication | BP medication |
Claim Edits Max Quantity Diabetes Medication | Diabetes medication |
Claim Edits Max Quantity Cholesterol Medications | Cholesterol medication |
Claim Edits Max Quantity Blood Modifiers | Blood modifiers |
Description | File |
Prior Authorization Criteria | PACriteria.pdf |
Memorandum Regarding Prescription Drug Clinical Edits System Enhancement | Memo.doc |
Description | File |
Certified Behavioral Health Agencies (BHA) | ARDHS_DPSQA_Certified_ Behavioral_Health_Agencies.pdf |
Hepatitis C Virus Medication Therapy Request Form | HepCTreatmntForm.pdf |
Ingrezza™ or Austedo® Statement of Medical Necessity | ARRx_SMN_Form_Ingrezza_Austedo.pdf |
Invega Trinza™ Statement of Medical Necessity | ARRx_SMN_Form_Invega_Trinza.pdf |
Medication Informed Consent Document for Behavioral or Psychiatric Conditions | MedInformedConsent.pdf |
PA Request Form (General Request) | ARRx_PA_Request_Form.pdf |
Selzentry® (Maraviroc) Statement of Medical Necessity | selzentry.pdf |
Synagis® Prior Authorization (PA) Request Form | ARRx_Synagis_PA_Form.pdf |
Xolair® (Omalizumab) Statement of Medical Necessity | xolair.pdf |
H.P. Acthar gel (corticotropin injection) PA Request Form | Acthar_gel.pdf |
Statement of Medical Necessity - Adult C-II Stimulant | Adult_C_II_Stimulant.pdf |
For Provider Reconsiderations:
A provider may request an administrative reconsideration within 30 calendar days. Requests for reconsideration should be faxed to (501)683-4124 Attn: Medicaid Pharmacy Program. For more information, please consult §160.000 of the program manual. Only one reconsideration request is permitted.
For Provider and Beneficiary Appeals:
If you disagree with our decision, you may ask for an appeal hearing from the Office of Appeals and Hearings. To ask for a hearing you must send your request in writing within 30 calendar days to the Office of Appeals and Hearings, P.O. Box 1437, Slot N401, Little Rock, AR 72203-1437. You must enclose a copy of the denial letter and a copy of the envelope containing the denial letter or enclose a copy of the denial letter showing the facsimile transmission confirmation with your request. If you do not include those copies, your appeal will be delayed. All deadlines run from the next business day after the date of the postmark on the envelope containing this letter or the next business day after the date on the facsimile transmission confirmation. All appeals shall conform to the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act, Ark. Code Ann. §§ 25-15-201 – 25-15-218. Providers may appear in person, through a corporate representative or, with prior notice to the department, through legal counsel. Beneficiaries may represent themselves or they may be represented by a friend, by any other spokesperson except a corporation, or by legal counsel. A Medicaid beneficiary may attend any hearing related to his or her care, but the department may not make his or her participation a requirement for provider appeals. The department may compel the beneficiary’s presence via subpoena, but failure of the beneficiary to appear shall not preclude the provider’s appeal. If an administrative appeal is filed by both a provider and beneficiary concerning the same subject matter, the department may consolidate the appeals. Any person who considers himself or herself injured in his or her person, business, or property by the decision rendered in the administrative appeal is entitled to judicial review of the decision under the Arkansas Administrative Procedure Act, Ark. Code Ann. §§ 25-15-201 – 25-15-218. For more information, please consult §160.000 of the program manual.
After a brand name drug’s patent has expired there may be a company producing a generic drug that meets the FDA’s criteria for the “181-day generic drug exclusivity”, which means it is protected from competition from other generic versions of the same drug product for approximately 181 days. After the expiration of the 181-day exclusivity period, other generic companies may be poised to enter the market and as more generic drugs are available, the price begins to fall.
The state Medicaid pharmacy program staff will monitor these high cost brand-name drugs and check the Federal rebate file to determine the most economical choice for the state, either:
- The brand name drug due to a higher Federal rebate and lower final net cost to the state -- or
- The generic drug that likely has the 181-day generic exclusivity without other generic competition
When there is sufficient supply of the generic drugs and the price of the generics has fallen to less than the final net cost of the brand name drug, the generic may be the most cost effective choice for the state. At that time, the Medicaid staff may place a State Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) on both the brand and the generic drugs for that specific drug/strength/dosage form. Until that occurs, Arkansas Medicaid will require the Brand drug to continue to be dispensed by pharmacies. Please note clinical criteria and claim edits will still apply. Pharmacies will receive a 30-day notice prior to Arkansas Medicaid applying a MAC on the brand and generic drugs related to State Supported Brand Medications.
Description | File |
State Supported Brand Medications Document | State_Supported_Brand_Meds.pdf |
Description | File |
Coverage of Tobacco Cessation Products as of 1/1/2020 | Tobacco_Cessation.pdf |
Public Health Service (PHS) Guideline-Based Check List | guideline.doc |
Clinical Practice Guideline | ClinicalPracGuide.pdf |
Memo to Certified Nurse- Midwife, Child Health Services (EPSDT), Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), Hospital, Nurse Practitioner, Pharmacy, Physician, Rural Health Clinic, and Arkansas Division of Health providers regarding Transition of Products for Smoking Cessation from Voice Response System to Electronic Point of Sale (POS) System Modification | MemoSmokCess.doc |
Official notice DMS-2004-W-3 Coverage of Tobacco Cessation Products through the Arkansas Medicaid Prescription Drug Program | DMS-04-W-3.doc |
Pharmacy Provider Manual Update Transmittal #100 to include coverage of Chantix® (Varenicline) to the tobacco cessation products through the Arkansas Medicaid Prescription Drug Program | PHARMACY_100.pdf |
Description | File |
UAC Quick Start Guide | Quick Start Guide.pdf |
State of Arkansas Provider Frequently Asked Questions (historical reference only) | Train_AR_Provider_FAQs.pdf |
Description | File |
Voice Response System (VRS) Brochure | VRS.pdf |
Date | Description | File |
05/09/16 | Evidenced-Based Prescription Drug List (PDL) re-review of Long-Acting Opioid Analgesic Agents |
12/11/15 | Evidenced-Based Prescription Drug List (PDL) re-review of Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker (ARB), Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors ( ACEI), and Direct Renin Inhibitor (DRI) agents |
02/09/15 | Evidenced-Based Prescription Drug List (PDL) re-review of Targeted Immune Modulators (TIMS) |
12/05/14 | Evidenced-Based Prescription Drug List (PDL) re-review of ADHD drugs |
07/21/14 | Provider Notification for Quick Relief Meds for Asthma (QRMA) |
07/21/14 | Provider Notification on Changes in Asthma Controller Meds |
06/16/14 | Provider Notification for Change in Preferred Status of Anticholinergic Agents to Treat Overactive Bladder (OAB) Syndrome |
06/16/14 | Provider Notification for Change in Preferred Status of HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor (“Statins”) Drug Class |
05/06/14 | Provider Notification for Disease-Modifying Agents for Multiple Sclerosis |
05/06/14 | Provider Notification on Second Generation Antidepressant Drug Class |
05/06/13 | Provider Notification on Change in Preferred Status of PPI Drug Class |
05/07/13 | Provider Notification on Changes in Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker (ARB) and Direct Renin Inhibitor(DRI) Agents (Updated 3/1/13 - aliskiren (Tekturna®) and aliskiren/HCTZ (Tekturna HCT®) were inadvertently left out of the previous version of this notification but are now correctly included in the preferred drug list.) |
07/16/12 | Provider Notification for Re-review of Inhaled Nasal Corticosteroid Agents |
07/01/12 | Provider Notification of Preferred Agents in TIMs Drug class |
04/17/12 | Provider Notification for Re-Review of ADD/ADHD Agents |
02/28/12 | Provider Notification on Newer Drugs for Insomnia |
01/10/12 | Provider Notification on Changes in the Long-Acting Opioid Analgesics Meds |
01/01/12 | Provider Notification on Changes in Preferred Status on Non-Insulin Anti-Diabetic Agents |
12/31/11 | Provider Notification on Changes in Meds for Neuropathic Pain |
09/19/11 | Provider Notification on Drugs Used for Treating Fibromyalgia |
07/07/11 | Provider Notification on Changes for Oral and Topical NSAID Agents |
12/28/10 | Provider Notification on Second Generation Oral Antihistamines and Nasal Spray Antihistamines |
08/17/10 | Provider Notification of Changes to CCB Preferred Drug |
08/17/10 | Provider Notification of Changes to ACE-Inhibitors, ARB, and DRI Agents |
07/01/10 | Provider Notification on Changes in Preferred Status of Triptan(Migraine) Agents |
09/14/09 | Provider Notification on Oral and Injectable Newer Antiemetic Agents(5-HT3 and NK1 Receptor Antagonists) Re-review |
08/01/08 | Provider Notification on Changes in Long-Acting Opioid Narcotic Analgesic Drug Class |
07/11/08 | Provider Notification for Changes in Hormone Replacement Therapy(HRT) Drug Class, Including Estrogen and Estrogen-Progestin Combinations, for Women in Menopausal Transition or the Postmenopausal Stage |
06/05/08 | Provider Notification for Drugs for Neuropathic Pain |
12/18/07 | Provider Notification on Change in Preferred Status of Beta Adrenergic Blocker Drug Class |
01/18/06 | Provider Notification on Skeletal Muscle Relaxants |
Description | File |
Arkansas Medicaid State Supplemental Rebate Contract Template |
Template |
CMS Approval of Medicaid Supplemental Rebate Agreement |
CMSApproval |
Date | Description | File |
04/13/13 | CMS Product Deletion Non-Drug Items |
09/05/12 | CMS Product Deletion Prodrin |
06/02/11 | CMS Product Deletion Hyoscyamine |
05/05/11 | CMS Product Deletion Cough and Cold |
11/16/10 | CMS Product Deletion Pruvel |
10/21/10 | CMS Product Deletion Colchicine |
05/10/10 | CMS Product Deletion Pancreatic Enzymes |
04/08/10 | CMS Product Deletion Nitroglycerin |
01/25/10 | CMS Product Deletion Dietary |
04/13/09 | CMS Product Deletion Calciferol |
04/02/09 | CMS Product Deletion Hylira |
12/17/08 | CMS Product Deletion Ferrous Sulphate |
12/08/08 | CMS Product Deletion Labeler 49348 |
10/24/08 | CMS state release #150 final |
08/27/08 | CMS Product Deletion Hydrocodone |
08/27/08 | CMS Product Deletion Hydrocodone |
08/14/08 | CMS Product Deletion Guaifenesin(Third) |
07/20/08 | CMS Product Deletion Auralgan |
04/10/08 | CMS Product Deletion Guaifenesin(Second) |
04/08/08 | CMS Product Deletion Guaifenesin |
Date | Description | File |
Suggested Carisoprodol Tapering |
Opioid Dosing Conversion Calculator |
Conversion Chart for HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitor Equivalent Dosing |
Department of Human Services
Donaghey Plaza South
700 Main Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
Conference Room A
- April 16, 2025
- July 16, 2025
- October 15, 2025
- January 21, 2026
The agenda is in portable document format (.pdf). When you click the link, the document opens in a new window. To return to this page, close the window. If you click a link and the document doesn't open, Download Adobe Acrobat Reader free so you can view and print the document.
DUR Board Voting Board Members:
• Geri Bemberg, Pharm.D.
• Clint Boone, Pharm.D.
• Ashley Crawley, Pharm.D.
• Trenton Dunn, Pharm.D.
• Lana Gettman, Pharm.D.
• John Dawson Irvin, M.D.
• Michael Mancino, M.D.
• Melissa Max, Pharm.D.
• Laurence Miller, M.D.
• Brenna Neumann, Pharm.D.
• Daniel Pace, M.D.
• Paula Podrazik, M.D.
• Chad Rodgers, M.D.
• Shailendra Singh, M.B.B.S.,F.A.C.P.
• Open pharmacist position
DUR Board Non-voting Board Members:
• Karen Evans, P.D. (Prime Therapeutics)
• Jeniffer Martin, Pharm.D. (Prime Therapeutics)
• Barry Fielder, Pharm.D. (Arkansas Total Care)
• Lauren Jimerson, Pharm.D. (Summit Community Care)
• Ifeyinwa Onowu, Pharm.D. (CareSource)
• Trinh Mowder, Pharm.D. (Empower)
• Cynthia Neuhofel, Pharm.D. (DHS)
• Cindi Pearson, Pharm.D. (DHS)
Non-Voting and Ex-Officio Members in an Advisory Capacity:
• William Golden, M.D. (DHS)
• Shane David, Pharm.D. (ADH)
• Christopher Smith, M.D. (DHS)
Description | File |
Conflict of Interest |
Arkansas Medicaid |
Arkansas Medicaid DUR Board |
Meeting Agenda - 04/16/25 |
Meeting Minutes - 01/15/25 |
Meeting Agenda - 01/15/25 |
Meeting Minutes - 10/16/24 |
Meeting Agenda - 10/16/24 |
Meeting Minutes - 07/17/24 |
Meeting Agenda - 07/17/24 |
Meeting Minutes - 04/17/24 |
Meeting Agenda - 04/17/24 |
Meeting Minutes - 01/17/24 |
Meeting Agenda - 01/17/24 |
Meeting Minutes - 10/18/23 |
Meeting Agenda - 10/18/23 |
Meeting Minutes - 07/19/23 |
Meeting Agenda - 07/19/23 |
Meeting Minutes - 04/19/23 |
Meeting Agenda - 04/19/23 |
Meeting Minutes - 01/18/23 |
Meeting Agenda - 01/18/23 |
Meeting Minutes - 10/19/22 |
Meeting Agenda - 10/19/22 |
Meeting Minutes - 07/20/22 |
Meeting Agenda - 07/20/22 |
Meeting Minutes - 04/20/22 |
Meeting Agenda - 04/20/22 |
Meeting Minutes - 01/19/22 |
Meeting Agenda - 01/19/22 |
Meeting Minutes - 10/20/21 |
Meeting Agenda - 10/20/21 |
Meeting Minutes - 07/21/21 |
Meeting Agenda - 07/21/21 |
Meeting Minutes - 04/21/21 |
Meeting Agenda - 04/21/21 |
Meeting Minutes - 01/20/21 |
Meeting Agenda - 01/20/21 |
Meeting Minutes - 10/21/20 |
Meeting Agenda - 10/21/20 |
Meeting Minutes - 07/15/20 |
Meeting Agenda - 07/15/20 |
Meeting Minutes - 04/15/20 |
Meeting Agenda - 04/15/20 |
Meeting Minutes - 01/15/20 |
Meeting Agenda - 01/15/20 |
Meeting Minutes - 10/16/19 |
Meeting Agenda - 10/16/19 |
Meeting Minutes - 07/17/19 |
Meeting Agenda - 07/17/19 |
Meeting Minutes - 04/17/19 |
Meeting Agenda - 04/17/19 |
Description |
File |
By Laws |
Members |
Meeting schedule |
Meeting Minutes - 11/09/22 |
Meeting Agenda - 11/09/22 |
Meeting Agenda - 08/10/22 - Cancelled |
Meeting Minutes - 05/11/22 |
Meeting Agenda - 05/11/22 |
Meeting Minutes - 02/09/22 |
Meeting Agenda - 02/09/22 |
Meeting Minutes - 11/10/21 |
Meeting Agenda - 11/10/21 |
Meeting Minutes - 08/11/21 |
Meeting Agenda - 08/11/21 |
Meeting Minutes - 05/12/21 |
Meeting Agenda - 05/12/21 |
Meeting Minutes - 02/10/21 |
Meeting Agenda - 02/10/21 |
Meeting Minutes - 11/12/20 |
Meeting Agenda - 11/12/20 |
Meeting Minutes - 08/12/20 |
Meeting Agenda - 08/12/20 |
Meeting Minutes - 05/13/20 |
Meeting Agenda- 05/13/20 |
Meeting Minutes - 02/12/20 |
Meeting Agenda - 02/12/20 |
Meeting Minutes - 11/13/19 |
Meeting Agenda - 11/13/19 |
Meeting Minutes - 08/14/19 |
Meeting Agenda - 08/14/19 |
Meeting Minutes - 05/08/19 |
Meeting Agenda - 05/08/19 |
Description | File |
Arkansas Medicaid e-Prescribing Project Overview | ARRx_ePrescribing |
Description | File |
Questions and Answers Regarding e-Prescribing | ePrescribingQA.pdf |
Description | File |
Medicaid Tamper Resistant Requirement Guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) and the National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) |
DMS-08-A-9 |
- Visit the Surescripts website.
- Find e-prescribing physicians or e-prescribing pharmacies by clicking the appropriate link in the upper right corner of the Surescripts website.
- Pharmacy Software Connected to Surescripts
These lists are informative; we do not recommend one vendor over another.
Date | Description |
10/17 | Volume 2, Issue 7, October 2017 - Arkansas' Upgrade to a New MMIS |
09/17 | Volume 2, Issue 6, September 2017 - Arkansas' Upgrade to a New MMIS |
08/17 | Volume 2, Issue 5, August 2017 - Arkansas' Upgrade to a New MMIS |
06/17 | Volume 2, Issue 4, June 2017 - Arkansas' Upgrade to a New MMIS |
03/17 | Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2017 - Arkansas' Upgrade to a New MMIS |
02/17 | Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2017 - Arkansas' Upgrade to a New MMIS |
01/17 | Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2017 - Arkansas' Upgrade to a New MMIS |
12/16 | Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2016 - Arkansas' Upgrade to a New MMIS |
10/16 | Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016 - Arkansas' Upgrade to a New MMIS |
Date | Description |
02/12/2025 | AR Medicaid pharmacy policy changes, PDL updates, and prior authorization edits approved during the AR Medicaid DUR Board meeting on January 15, 2025 include the following: Preferred Drug List Full Review: Glucagon agents, GLP-1 agonists, uterine disorder agents, Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy agents, ulcerative colitis agents Preferred Drug List Abbreviated Review: Alpha glucosidase inhibitors, DPP-4 inhibitors, meglitinides, metformin products, SGLT-2 inhibitors, sulfonylureas, thiazolidinediones, amylin analogues, antiemetics, non-sedating antihistamines, intranasal rhinitis Manual Review PA Criteria: Nemluvio® (nemolizumab-ilto), Miplyffa™ (arimoclomol citrate), Aqneursa™ (levacetylleucine), Hympavzi™ (marstacimab-hncq), Vyalev™ (foscarbidopa/foslevodopa), Duvyzat™ (givinostat), Lodoco® (colchicine), Yorvipath® (palopegteriparatide), Furoscix® (furosemide) Updates: Clean up manual review meds in PA criteria document, update general medication policy |
01/23/2025 | Updates for Carospir® |
12/02/2024 | Updates for Bystolic® and Nuvigil® |
11/13/2024 | Manual review criteria for: Voquezna® (vonoprazan fumarate), OFEV® (nintedanib), Esbriet® (pirfenidone), Evrysdi® (risdiplam), Salicate™ (salicylic acid), Alkindi (hydrocortisone), Xolremdi™ (mavorixafor), Iqirvo® (elafibranor), Livdelzi® (seladelpar lysine), Ohtuvayre™ (ensifentrine), Winrevair™ (sotatercept), and Dupixent® (dupilumab)for COPD Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes with PA criteria: Oral and injectable antipsychotics, non-triptan migraine medications including CGRP antagonists Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes without PA criteria: Overactive bladder agents Other important topics: Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) medication update |
11/01/2024 | Preferred Drug List (PDL) updates for Trileptal® (oxcarbazepine) suspension |
09/16/2024 | DAW code update for pharmacy claims |
08/30/2024 | Due to continued drug shortages for certain ADHD medications, both brand and generic formulations for Adderall XR®, Concerta®, Focalin XR®, and Focalin IR® will continue to be preferred options on the Arkansas Medicaid preferred drug list until further notice. |
08/14/2024 | AR Medicaid pharmacy policy changes, PDL updates, and prior authorization edits approved during the AR Medicaid DUR Board meeting on July 17, 2024 include the following: Manual review criteria for: Allergen Induced Rhinitis (Ragwitek®, Grastek®, Oralair®, Odactra™); Vitiligo (Opzelura® (ruxolitinib)); Pustular Psoriasis (Spevigo® (spesolimab)); Crysvita® (burosumab-twza); Rezdiffra™ (resmetirom); Wegovy® (semaglutide) MACE indication; Tryvio™ (aprocitentan); Voydeya™ (danicopan); Lymepak™ (doxycycline hyclate); Myhibbin™ (mycophenolate mofetil); Fluoride toothpaste (Fraiche 5000 Previ, Fraiche 5000 Sensitive, Denta 5000 Plus Sensitive) Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes with PA criteria: Vaginal hormones and multiple sclerosis Policy: DAW code update Other important topics diabetic supplies update, COVID coverages ending, copay overages |
08/07/2024 | PDL updates for Myfortic® and Diclegis® |
05/31/2024 | Preferred Drug List (PDL) updates for Inhaled Corticosteroids, ADD/ADHD medications, and Phosphate Removing Agents |
05/15/2024 | The Arkansas Medicaid Pharmacy Program Provider Memorandum dated May 15, 2024 provides updates from the Arkansas Medicaid Pharmacy Program including the most recent DUR/DRC Board meeting and preferred drug list changes. AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR/DRC Board April 17, 2024 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: Accrufer®(ferric malgol) capsule, Adthyza Thyroid® (thyroid, pork) tablet, Xolair® (omalizumab) injection, Agamree® (vamorolone) suspension, Fabhalta® (iptacopan) capsule, Wainua™ (eplontersen sodium) injection, Zilbrysq® (zilucoplan sodium) syringe, Zoryve® (roflumilast) foam, Rivfloza™ (nedosiran sodium) syringe/vial, Zurzuvae™ (zuranolone) capsule, Filsuvez® (birch triterpenes) gel, Voquezna® (vonoprazan) tablet, Voquezna® (vonoprazan with amoxicillin +/- clarithromycin) pak Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes without PA criteria: Injectable Medication Assisted Treatment Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes with PA criteria: Triptans, inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting beta agonist combination (ICS/LABA) |
04/24/2024 | PDL updates for Sabril® powder pack, Toviaz® tablet, Amitiza® capsule, Prezista® tablet, Revatio® suspension, epinephrine injection, and Remodulin® vial |
02/14/2024 | The Arkansas Medicaid Pharmacy Program Provider Memorandum dated February 14, 2024 provides updates from the Arkansas Medicaid Pharmacy Program including the most recent DUR/DRC Board meeting and preferred drug list changes. AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR/DRC Board January 17, 2024 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: Furoscix® (furosemide), Imcivree® (setmelanotide), Vyjuvek™ (beremagene geperpavec), targeted immunomodulator criteria for gout flares, Sohonos™ (palovarotene), Ojjaara (momelotinib), Xdemvy™ (lotilaner), Opfolda™ (miglustat), Likmez™ (metronidazole) Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes without PA criteria: Ophthalmic antibiotics, otic antibiotics Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes with PA criteria: Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (Epogen® (epoetin alfa), Procrit® (epoetin alfa), Aranesp® (darbepoetin alfa), Mircera® (methoxy peg-epoetin beta), Reblozyl® (luspatercept), Retacrit® (epoetin alfa)); Urea Cycle Disorders (Buphenyl® (sodium phenylbutyrate), Carbaglu® (carglumic acid), Olpruva™ (sodium phenylbutyrate), Pheburane® (sodium phenylbutyrate), and Ravicti® (glycerol phenylbutyrate)) |
11/28/2023 | Hepatitis C Update |
11/13/2023 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR/DRC Board October 18, 2023 meeting for the following: |
10/01/2023 | Pharmacist Enrollment Guide for the Provider Portal |
08/14/2023 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR/DRC Board July 19, 2023 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: Daybue™ (trofinetide), Joenja® (leniolisib), Vowst™ (fecal microbiota spores, live-brpk), Veozah™ (fezolinetant), asthma immunomodulators class, ADD/ADHD agents for adults, narcolepsy agents, certain medications for atopic dermatitis, and certain HIV drugs. Point-of-Sale edits for: Antidepressants, long-acting injectable antipsychotics Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes without PA criteria: Short-acting beta agonists (SABA) Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes with PA criteria: Antidepressants, long-acting injectable antipsychotics, asthma immunomodulators, ADD/ADHD agents, narcolepsy agents, medications for atopic dermatitis (topical and biologic), and HIV agents Policy update: General Medication Coverage Policy (formerly known as New-To-Market policy) |
06/19/2023 | PDL updates for Vimpat® solution (locasamide) |
05/9/2023 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR/DRC Board April 19, 2023 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: KEVZARA® (sarilumab), ALS medications, KRAZATI™ (adagrasib), SUNLENCA® (lenacapavir sodium), JAYPIRCA™ (pirtobrutinib), ORSERDU™ (elacestrant), DARTISLA ODT® 1.7 mg and GLYCATE® 1.5 mg (glycopyrrolate), FILSPARI™ (sparsentan) Point-of-Sale edits for: Pituitary suppressive agents, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) agents Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes: Anaphylaxis agents, hypoglycemic agents and pituitary suppressive agents |
05/5/2023 | PDL updates for Lamictal® (lamotrigine), Novolog® (insulin aspart), and Novolog Mix® (insulin aspart mix) |
03/23/23 | During the Arkansas Medicaid DUR/DRC Board meeting on January 18, 2023, the Board approved point-of-sale edits for montelukast. The expected date for implementation has been postponed until April 1, 2023. |
02/15/23 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR/DRC Board January 18, 2023 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: Vivjoa™ (oteseconazole), Enspryng® (satralizumab), multiple sclerosis class, Qutenza® (capsaicin), Lytgobi® (futibatinib), Hyftor™ (sirolimus), Rezlidhia™ (olutasedinib), and antimigraine agents (non-triptan) Point-of-Sale edits for: leukotriene receptor antagonists Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes: cephalosporins, leukotriene receptor antagonists |
2/1/2023 | Updated Plan Prefers Brand List - Afinitor® |
1/27/2023 | Update to PDL Brand Preferred Product - Lantus® |
1/1/2023 | Cost sharing or copays will begin on 1/1/2023 for certain adult Medicaid clients. There are some exemptions, including but not limited to pregnancy-related services. The out-of-pocket costs clients may pay are small but important. The Arkansas Medicaid program covers medical costs, so clients don't have big bills after an emergency or illness. |
11/23/2022 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board October 19, 2022 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: Monoclonal antibodies (Dupixent®, Fasenra®, Nucala®, Tezspire®, Xolair®); Targeted Immunomodulators (Actemra®, Adbry®, Arcalyst®, Cibinqo®, Cimzia®, Cosentyx®, Enbrel®, Humira®, Ilaris®, Ilumya®, Kevzara®, Kineret®, Olumiant®, Orencia®, Otezla®, Rinvog®, Siliq®, Simponi®, Skyrizi®, Sotyktu®, Stelara®, Taltz®, Tremfya®, Xeljanz®); ADHD in adults; Ztalmy® (ganaxolone); Zoryve™ (roflumilast); Vtama® (tapinarof); Amvuttra™ (vutrisiran); Xaciato™ (clindamycin) Point-of-Sale edits for: None Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes for DRC meeting November 9, 2022: inhaled antibiotics, non-triptan antimigraine, topical antiparasitics, inhaled long-acting beta agonists (LABA), inhaled short-acting beta agonists (SABA), inhaled long-acting muscarinic antagonists (LAMA), inhaled short-acting muscarinic antagonists (SAMA), inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), inhaled combination products (ICS/LABA), inhaled combination products (LABA/LAMA), inhaled combination products (ICS/LABA/LAMA), growth hormones, multiple sclerosis agents, pancreatic enzymes, pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), substance use disorder treatment (injection) |
9/14/2022 | Update to State Supported Brand list |
9/9/2022 | Upcoming product discontinuations Multiple branded drug products will be discontinued in the near future. Some of these products are listed as preferred on the Medicaid Preferred Drug List (PDL). |
8/19/2022 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board July 20, 2022 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: Acute and prophylaxis migraine treatment, Hemophilia A treatment (Hemlibra®, NovoSeven RT, Sevenfact, FEIBA), Camzyos™ (mavacamten), Vijoice® (alpelisib), Radicava ORS (edaravone), Dupixent (dupilumab) for Eosinophilic Esophagitis Point-of-Sale edits for: SGLT-2 inhibitors for heart failure (Farxiga® and Jardiance®), Budesonide Respules for Eosinophilic Esophagitis, age edits for benzo and non-benzo sedative hypnotics, maximum dose for targeted immunomodulators Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes: (August 10, 2022 Drug Review Committee meeting) Meeting was cancelled. |
8/1/2022 | Sedative Hypnotics in Children |
5/25/2022 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board April 20, 2022 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: Livmarli™ (maralixibat), Livtencity™ (maribavir), Tarpeyo™ (budesonide), Apretude (cabotegravir), Leqvio® (inclisiran), Recorlev® (levoketoconazole), Besremi® (ropeginterferon), Vonjo™ (pacritinib), Pyrukynd® (mitapivat), Oxervate™ (cenegermin) Point-of-Sale edits for: Antiemetics in pregnancy (Diclegis® and Bonjesta®) (doxylamine/pyridoxine) Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes: (May 11, 2022 Drug Review Committee meeting) Antipsychotics, Bowel Prep Agents, Cystine Depleting Agents/Penicillamine Agents, Proton Pump Inhibitors |
2/23/2022 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board January 19, 2022 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: Palforzia® (peanut powder), Kerendia® (finerenone), Tavneos™ (avacopan), Exkivity™ (mobocertinib), Opzelura™ (ruxolitinib), Scemblix® (asciminib), Vuity™ (pilocarpine hydrochloride), Voxzogo™ (vosoritide), and Carbaglu® (carglumic acid) Point-of-Sale edits for: Seroquel® (Quetiapine) and rescue seizure medications (Nayzilam®, Valtoco® and Diastat®) Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes: (February 9, 2022 Drug Review Committee meeting) Anticonvulsants and immune globulins |
1/7/2022 | Updated plan prefers brand list |
11/24/2021 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board October 20, 2021 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: Hidradenitis Suppurativa, palivizumab (Synagis®), ibrexafungerp (Brexafemme®), belumosudil (Rezurock™), odevixibat (Bylvay™), rifamycin (Aemcolo™), and belzutifan (Welireg™) Point-of-Sale edits for: Immunoglobulin (IVIG and SCIG), quantity edits for antiepileptic medications, dose optimization for multiple drug classes (blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, and blood modifiers) Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes: (November 10, 2021 Drug Review Committee meeting) Antiparkinson's disease, beta blockers, neuropathic pain agents, and sedative hypnotics (benzodiazepine and non-benzodiazepine) |
8/25/2021 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board July 21, 2021 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: Hetlioz® (tasimelteon), Verquvo™ (vericiguat), Fotivda® (tivozanib), Lumakras™ (sotorasib), Empaveli™ (pegcetacoplan), and Truseltiq™ (infigratinib) Point-of-Sale edits for: Update for ADHD medications, ICS-LABA for asthma, Lyrica® (pregabalin), soft ProDUR edits for opioids combined with benzodiazepines, sedative hypnotics, muscle relaxers, antipsychotics, or gabapentin. General criteria info: New-to-market medications and medications with label expansions Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes: (August 11, 2021 Drug Review Committee meeting) Alzheimer’s agents, benign prostatic hyperplasia agents (BPN), hemorrhoidal preparations, opiate dependence treatments (oral buprenorphine products only), and skeletal muscle relaxants |
8/21/2021 | Criteria for Medications New-to-Market or With Label Expansion Medications |
8/10/2021 | Temporary Increase in Arkansas Medicaid COVID-19 Vaccination Administration Rate |
7/27/2021 | COVID-19 Vaccination Rates and Billing Codes |
6/28/2021 | Update for declaration of public health emergency for COVID-19 |
5/26/2021 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board April 21, 2021 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: Ukoniq™ (umbralisib); Nexletol™ (bempedoic acid); Cabenuva (cabotegravir and rilpivirine); Bronchitol® (mannitol); Tepmetko® (tepotinib); Lupkynis™ (voclosporin); Benlysta® (belimumab); Orgovyx™ (relugolix); Orladeyo™ (berotralstat); SGLT-2 inhibitors for heart failure (Farxiga® and Jardiance®); Updated point-of-sale edit (effective July 14, 2021): Otezla® (apremilast); GI motility (Amitiza®, Linzess®, and Movantik®); Updated PA form: Informed consent form for children on antipsychotics Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes from the May 12, 2021 Drug Review Committee meeting for the following: Colony Stimulating Factors; Lipotropic Agents (statins); Narcolepsy Agents (Provigil/Nuvigil only); Phosphate Binders; and Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors |
2/24/2021 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits Approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board January 20, 2021 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: Isotretinoin, GnRH Receptor Antagonists (Orilissa® and Oriahnn™), Thrombopoiesis Stimulating Proteins (Promacta®, Mulpleta®, Doptelet®, and Tavalisse™), Immunomodulators for Asthma (Fasenra®, Dupixent®, Xolair®, and Nucala®), Xpovio® (Selinexor), Gavreto™ (pralsetinib), Ongentys™ (opicapone), Onureg® (azacitidine), and Zokinvy (lonafarnib). Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes from the February 10, 2021 Drug Review Committee Meeting for the following: Anticoagulants, Antihyperuricemics, Estrogen Agents, GI Motility Agents, and Hepatitis C Agents |
2/8/2021 | New ADHD Edits Beginning February 10, 2021 |
12/8/2020 | COVID-19 Vaccination Rates and Billing Codes |
11/25/2020 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits Approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board October 21, 2020 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: Palforzia™ (peanut allergy), Fasenra® (benralizumab) injection, Qinlock™ (ripretinib) tablet, Kynmobi™ (apomorphine hydrochloride) SL films, Fintepla® (fenfluramine) oral solution, Evyrsdi™ (risdiplam) powder, Enspryng™ (satralizumab) injection, Inqovi® (cedazuridine and decitabine) tablet, Oral CGRP antagonists (Ubrelvy™ and Nurtec™ ODT), and Dojolvi® (triheptanoin) liquid; Point-of-sale and claim edit updates: CII stimulant update and controlled drug early refill threshold update Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes from the November 12, 2020 Drug Review Committee Meeting for the following: Angiotensin modulators (ACE inhibitors, ARBs, renin inhibitors, and combination products), calcium channel blockers, cytokine and CAM antagonists (targeted immune modulators), immunomodulators for asthma, stimulants and related agents, and thrombopoiesis stimulating proteins. |
8/26/2020 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits Approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board July 15, 2020 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: Repatha® (evolocumab), Praluent® (alirocumab), Acthar® gel (repository corticotropin), Isturisa® (osilodrostat), Koselugo™ (selumetinib), Tukysa™ (tucatinib), Pemazyre™ (pemigatinib), Palforzia™ (peanut allergy powder), Tabrecta™ (capmatinib), Retevmo™ (selpercatinib), Sunosi™ (solriamfetol), Wakix® (pitolisant) and Xyrem® (sodium oxybate). Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes from the August 12, 2020 Drug Review Committee Meeting for the following: Antidiabetic agents (oral, inhaled, injection and insulin), Antipsychotic long-acting injections, and PCSK9 inhibitors. |
5/27/2020 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits Approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board April 15, 2020 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: Brukinsa™, Tazverik™, Ayvakit™, Revlimid®, and Spravato®; Point-of-Sale criteria changes for: Lovaza® and Lysteda®; New Claim Edits: Leucovorin, Targeted Immunomodulators, and Gabapentin. Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes from the May 13, 2020 Drug Review Committee Meeting for the following: Short-acting opioids, Allergic conjunctivitis ophthalmic agents, Ophthalmic antibiotics, Ophthalmic antibiotic/steroid combinations, Anti-inflammatory ophthalmic agents, Ophthalmic glaucoma agents, Topical corticosteroids |
2/26/2020 | The Arkansas Medicaid Pharmacy Program Provider Memorandum dated February 26, 2020 HAS BEEN UPDATED. Please see this most current Memo that provides clarification of AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits Approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board January 15, 2020 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: Esbriet®, Ofev®, Temodar®, Nourianz™, Egaten®. Trikafta™, FEIBA, NovoSeven RT, Pretomanid, Nayzilam®, Oxbryta®; Point-of-Sale criteria changes for: Entresto®, Sensipar®, Procrit®, Epogen® and medications for treating asthma (oral ICS and ICS-LABA). Preferred Drug List (PDL) therapeutic classes from the February 12, 2020 Drug Review Committee Meeting for the following: Long-acting opioids, Androgenic agents (topical and injectable), Antifungals (topical), Bladder Relaxants, Bronchodilators (Long-Acting Beta Agonists and Short-Acting Beta Agonists), Glucagon Agents, Intranasal Rhinitis Agents and Anti-inflammatory/Immunomodulator Ophthalmic Agents. The criteria listed in the Memo for the following was updated on March 16, 2020: 1. Age edits for Advair Diskus, Dulera and Symbicort have been updated. 2. Entresto’s CHF diagnosis look-back has been changed from 2 years to 3 years. 3. Clarification of criteria for ICS-LABA preferred agents (Advair Diskus, Dulera and Symbicort) has been updated to decrease any confusion. |
12/31/2019 | Medication Assisted Treatment (Act 964): Pursuant to Act 964, Medicaid is removing the prior authorization requirement on the following drugs used to treat opioid use disorder: Suboxone® Film (buprenorphine/naloxone sublingual film) and Buprenorphine sublingual tablets. |
11/27/2019 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits Approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board October 16, 2019 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for: HEMLIBRA® (emicizumab) injections; CABLIVI®(caplacizumab-yhdp) injections; PIGRAY®(alpelisib) tablets; XPOVIO™(selinexor) tablets; IRESSA®(gefitinib) tablets; NUBEQA™ (darolutamide) tablets; TURALIO™ (pexidartinib) capsules; INREBIC®(fedratinib) capsules; NUCALA® (mepolizumab) injection; BAGSIMI™ (glucagon) powder; ROZLYTREK™(enrectinib); Update on current PA criteria on: INGREZZA® (valbenazine) capsules; AUSTEDO®(deutetrabenazine) tablets; TRUVADA®(emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate); TOBACCO CESSATION PRODUCT UPDATE Preferred Drug List (PDL) Drugs from the November 13, 2019 Drug Review Committee Meeting for the following: Triptans, COPD agents, Inhaled Glucocorticoids, MS Agents, Oral/Topical NSAIDs, Oral/Inhaled/Injectable PAH agents; Opiate Dependence Treatments (injectable only). |
10/28/2019 | Arkansas Medicaid Pharmacy Program updates and information: This memorandum is to provide updates from the Arkansas Medicaid Pharmacy Program. These updates include clarification of Ranexa status, preferred inhaled antibiotics, status of opium tincture and hyoscyamine, and information on the upcoming changes with Medication-Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder |
8/28/2019 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits Approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board July 17, 2019 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for NUZYRA® (omadacycline) for injection and oral tablets; ABILIFY MYCITE® (aripiprazole) tablets; FIRDAPSE®/RUZURGI (amifampridine) tablets; BALVERSA™ (erdafitinib) tablets; ALPHA-1 PROTEINASE INHIBITORS; HEPATITIS C VIRUS TREATMENT IN PEDIATRICS; TIBSOVO® (ivosidenib) tablets; VYNDAQEL®/VYNDAMAX™ (tafamidis meglumine/tafamidis) capsules; TARCEVA® (erlotinib) tablets AND EVENITY™ (romosozumab-aqqg) injection. Update on current criteria for EMFLAZA® (deflazacort) tablets; PROTON PUMP INHIBITORS; OSTEOPOROSIS TREATMENT AND NEW MEDICATION-ASSISTED TREATMENT FORMS. Preferred Drug List (PDL) Drugs from the August 14, 2019 Drug Review Committee Meeting for the following: Inhaled antibiotics; CGRP-receptor blockers for migraine; bone resorption suppression and related agents; growth hormones; otic anti-infectives and anesthetics; otic antibiotics, pancreatic enzymes and head lice agents |
5/17/2019 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits Approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board April 17, 2019 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for DUPIXENT® (dupilumab); DAURISMO™ (glasdegib); XOSPATA® (gilteritinib); VITRAKVI® (larotrectinib); SYMPAZANTM (clobazam); TALZENNA™ (talazoparib); TEGSEDI™ (inotersen); INBRIJA™ (levodopa inhalation); ARIKAYCE® (amikacin liposome); Heredity Angioedema Therapy. POS criteria for Oral typical and atypical antipsychotic agents for adult age 18 years and older; PRIMAQUINE tablets; KRINTAFEL (tafenoquine). Preferred Drug List (PDL) Drugs from the May 8, 2019 Drug Review Committee Meeting for the following: Oral antipsychotics and proton pump inhibitors |
2/14/2019 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits Approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board January 16, 2019 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for JAKAFI® (ruxolitinib); New clinical point of sale criteria: ZORTRESS® (everolimus); ZORTRESS® (everolimus); New drugs manual review criteria: XOFLUZA™ (baloxavir marboxil); RYCLORA™ (dexchlorpheniramine maleate); COPIKTRA™ (duvelisib); VIZIMPRO® (dacomitinib; EPIDIOLEX® ORAL SOLUTION; NOCDURNA® (desmopressin acetate tablet); LORBRENA® (Lorlatinib); GALAFOLD™ (migalastat); ABILIFY MYCITE® (aripiprazole) Tablet Preferred Drug List (PDL) Drugs from the February 13, 2019 Drug Review Committee Meeting for the following: Long-Acting Opioids |
11/30/2018 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits Approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board OCTOBER 17, 2018 meeting for the following: Manual review criteria for asthma for non-preferred drug Spiriva Respimat; New drugs manual review criteria: ORILISSA™ (elagolix); DOPTELET® (avatrombopag); MULPLETA® (lusutrombopag); SIKLOS® (hydroxyurea); MEKTOVI® (binimetinib); BRAFTOVI™ (encorafenib); LOKELMA™ (sodium zirconium cyclosilicate) Preferred Drug List (PDL) Drugs from the NOVEMBER 14, 2018 Drug Review Committee Meeting for the following: Beta Adrenergic Blocking agents, Bowel Prep Agents, 2nd Generation Antidepressants |
8/30/2018 | AR Medicaid Prior Authorization Edits Approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board JULY 18, 2018 meeting for the following: Criteria Changes For MAT Drugs, EMFLAZA™ (deflazacort), mycophenolate, Codeine C&C products, Opioid & Benzodiazepine Drug Criteria Regarding Non-Fatal Poisoning Diagnoses; New criteria for AIMOVIG™ (erenumab-aooe), JYNARQUE™ (tolvaptan), LUCEMYRA™ (lofexidine), PALNZIQ™ (pegvaliase-pqpz), SYMDEKO™ (tezacaftor and ivacaftor) New Preferred Drug List (PDL) Drugs Approved at the AUGUST 8, 2018 Drug Review Committee Meeting include the following: Drugs for Treating Opioid Use Disorder (OUD); cystine-depleting agents. |
5/31/2018 | AR Medicaid PA edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board APRIL 18, 2018 meeting for the following: Changes to prescriber requirements for MAT drugs, MME/day changes for opioids, Refill Too Soon Accumulation Limits, Diphenoxylate/Atropine tablets, ERLEADA™, HUMIRA®, NARCAN® NASAL SPRAY, naloxone vial and pre-filled syringe, NERLYNX™, SOLOSEC™ NEW PDL DRUG CATEGORIES approved at the MAY 9, 2018 PDL meeting: C-III stimulants, phosphate binders for CKD, ESA agents, colony stimulating factors, platelet aggregation inhibitors, lipotropic |
3/1/2018 | AR Medicaid PA edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board JANUARY 17, 2018 meeting for BAXDELA, BENZNIDAZOLE, CALQUENCE, ENDARI, HEMLIBRA, LUPRON DEPOT-PED, SYNAREL, NOXAFIL SUSP., PREVYMIS, TIZANIDINE, BACLOFEN, VABOMERE, VERZENIO, XARELTO; PDL changes approved by the PDL Drug Review Committee meeting FEBRUARY 14, 2018 for Anticoagulants, Antihistamines, Antihyperuricemics, Chronic GI Motility Agents, HCV, ICS. |
1/31/2018 | Clarification of New Opioid Criteria Rules Arkansas Medicaid Pharmacy Program is sending out an amendment to the November 22, 2017 memorandum corresponding to the October 18th, 2017 DUR Board meeting. This is to clarify the revision to the criteria for Medicaid beneficiaries who are “NEW STARTS TO OPIOID THERAPY”. |
11/22/2017 | AR Medicaid PA edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board OCTOBER 18, 2017 meeting and PDL changes approved by the PDL Drug Review Committee meeting NOVEMBER 8, 2017: UPDATE OF THE AR MEDICAID PREFERRED DRUG LIST (PDL) DRUG CATEGORIES: ACEI Inhibitors, Renin Inhibitors, and Combination Products; Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARB) and ARB Combination Products; ADD/ADHD Medications; INSULINS; Targeted Immune Modulators (TIMS); Self-Injected Epinephrine; CHANGES TO EXISTING CRITERIA, INCLUDING POINT OF SALE (POS) CRITERIA, MANUAL REVIEW PA CRITERIA, OR CLAIM EDITS,: MME daily limits; KALYDECO® (ivacaftor); PULMICORT (budesonide) RESPULES®; MONTELUKAST; ENBREL® (etanercept); HUMIRA® (adalimumab); REVISED POS Criteria for Medicaid Beneficiaries Who Are “New Starts To Opioid Therapy”; Preferred and Non-Preferred Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) Drugs; Refill Too Soon Early Refill Accumulation Limit; NEW CLINICAL POS EDITS WITH OR WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CLAIM EDITS: Edits to Improve the Safe Prescribing of Opioids and Benzodiazepines after Non-Fatal Poisoning or Overdose; CAROSPIR® (Spironolactone 25mg/5mL) Suspension; ACYCLOVIR Oral Suspension 200 mg/ 5 mL; NEW MANUAL REVIEW EDITS WITH OR WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CLAIM EDITS: ZYKADIA® (ceritinib) Capsule 150 mg; INGREZZA™ (valbenazine) Capsule 40 mg; AUSTEDO® (deutetrabenazine) Tablet 6 mg, 9 mg, 12 mg; XERMELO™ (telotristat ethyl) 250 mg Tablet; 4) MYDAYIS™ (dextroamphetamine sulfate, dextroamphetamine saccharate, amphetamine aspartate monohydrate, and amphetamine sulfate capsule, extended release) 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 37.5 mg, 50 mg; IDHIFA® (enasidenib mesylate) tablet, film coated 50 mg,100 mg. |
9/1/2017 | AR Medicaid PA edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board JULY 19, 2017 meeting and PDL changes approved by the PDL Drug Review Committee meeting August 9, 2017: ADDITIONS TO THE AR MEDICAID PREFERRED DRUG LIST (PDL):Please see the PDL list below for specific Preferred-status and Non-preferred status agents in the following categories that are being added to the PDL for Long-acting injectable antipsychotic drugs and Anti-diabetes drugs in the following categories:TZDs, SGLT2 Inhibitors, DPP-4 Enzyme Inhibitors, GLP-1 Receptor Agonists, Meglitinides. CHANGES TO EXISTING PA CRITERIA EDITS:ESBRIET® (pirfenidone)tablet/capsule; OFEV® (nintedanib)capsule; LYRICA® (pregabalin) capsuleand oral solution; BUTALBITAL combination products that do not contain codeine; LINZESS™ (linaclotide) capsule; RELISTOR® (methylnaltrexone) SQ and oral tablet, MOVANTIK® (naloxegol) tablet, AMITIZA® (lubiprostone) capsule, TRULANCE™ (plecanatide) tablet; CHANGES TO EXISTING CLAIM EDITS OR NEW CLAIM EDITS, INCLUDING AGE EDITS, DOSE-OP, DAILY DOSE/QUANTITY EDITS, CUMULATIVE QUANTITY EDIT, And ACCUMULATION EDITS:CORTISPORIN® (neomycin and polymyxin b sulfates, bacitracin zinc, and hydrocortisone) ointment and cream; OPHTHALMIC ANTIBIOTIC drops; OPHTHALMIC ANTIBIOTIC-STEROID drops;OPHTHALMIC drops for treating GLAUCOMA; All OPIOID-CONTAININGORAL LIQUIDS; CODEINE tablets, CODEINE-ACETAMINOPHEN TABLETS and oral solution, CODEINE-GUAIFENESIN COUGH/COLD PREPARATIONS, TRAMADOL IR tablets, TRAMADOL-ACETAMINOPHEN tablets, and TRAMADOLER tablets and capsules; NEW CLINICAL POSEDITS WITH OR WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CLAIM EDITS: CYSTADANE® (betaine) powder for oral solution; NEW MANUAL REVIEW EDITS WITH OR WITHOUT ADDITIONAL CLAIM EDITS:RHOFADE™ (oxymetazoline) topical cream; ZEJULA™ (niraparib) capsule; 3)DUPIXENT® (dupilumab)SQ Injection; ZOLINZA® (vorinostat) capsule; 5)CAPRELSA® (vandetanib) tablet; ALUNBRIG™ (brigatinib) tablet; RYDAPT® (midostaurin) capsule; KISQALI® (ribociclib) tablet and KISQALI® FEMARA® (letrozole) CO-PACK; REMINDERS:MME changes; Manual Review PA Requests; CLARIFICATION:KALYDECO®(ivacaftor) |
5/30/2017 | AR Medicaid PA edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board APRIL 19, 2017 meeting and PDL changes approved by the PDL Drug Review Committee meeting MAY 10, 2017: ADDITIONS TO THE AR MEDICAID PREFERRED DRUG LIST (PDL): Please see the PDL list below for specific Preferred-status and Non-preferred status agents in the following categories that are being added to the PDL: topical corticosteroid agents; drugs for treating glaucoma; ophthalmic antibiotic agents; ophthalmic antibiotic-steroid combination agents; short-acting narcotic analgesic agents. CHANGES TO EXISTING PA CRITERIA OR EXISTING CLAIM EDITS: Maximum Daily Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) edit decreased; Topical Corticosteroid quantity edits revised; preferred PPI (omeprazole 20 mg capsule, pantoprazole 20 mg and 40 mg tablet) revised approval criteria; Orkambi® (lumacaftor/ivacaftor) tablet continuation criteria clarified. NEW CLINICAL EDITS THROUGH MANUAL REVIEW PRIOR APPROVAL (PA) PROCESS: Rubraca™ (rucaparib) tablet; Impavido® (miltefosine) capsule; Ryvent™ (carbinoxamine maleate) tablet; Migergot® (ergotamine/caffeine) suppository; Ilaris® (canakinumab) injection; Emflaza™ (deflazacort) tablet and suspension; Eucrisa™ (crisaborole) ointment. NEW CLAIM EDITS, INCLUDING DOSE-OP, DAILY DOSE/QUANTITY EDITS, CUMULATIVE QUANTITY EDIT, And ACCUMULATION EDITS: Quantity edits for Lidocaine 5% Ointment; Biltricide® (praziquantel) tablet; Albenza® (albendazole) tablet; Cyclobenzaprine tablets; |
2/20/2017 | AR Medicaid PA edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board JANUARY 18, 2017 meeting and PDL changes approved by the PDL Drug Review Committee meeting FEBRUARY 1, 2017: ADDITIONS TO THE AR MEDICAID PREFERRED DRUG LIST (PDL): Please see the list below for the changes or additions to Preferred-status agents in the following categories: buprenorphine-containing agents for treating opiate dependence; Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) Agents; Topical Pediculicide Agents for Treating Head Lice Infestations; Topical Antifungal Agents. CHANGES TO EXISTING POINT OF SALE (POS) PRIOR AUTHORIZATION (PA) CRITERIA OR NEW POS PA CRITERIA OR EDITS: COPD drug criteria revised; Opioid MME Reduction to 250 MME/day; Enbrel® (etanercept) injection; Methadone Oral Solution for NAS; Sensipar® (cinacalcet) tablet; CHANGES TO EXISTING MANUAL REVIEW PA CRITERIA OR NEW MANUAL REVIEW PA CRITERIA: Xolair® (omalizumab) injection; Humira® (adalimumab) injection; Cabometyx® (carbozantinib) tablet; Zinplava™ (bezlotoxumab) IV infusion; Orkambi® (lumacaftor/ivacaftor) tablet |
12/14/2016 | AR Medicaid PA edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board October 19, 2016 meeting and PDL changes approved by the PDL Committee Nov 9, 2016: ADDITIONS TO THE AR MEDICAID PREFERRED DRUG LIST (PDL): Please see the list below for the changes or additions to Preferred-status agents in the following categories: Overactive Bladder, Self-injected Epinephrine, Inhaled Short-Acting Beta Agonists, COPD Agents (Inhaled Long-Acting Beta Agonists, Inhaled Short-Acting Anticholinergics, Inhaled Long-Acting Anticholinergics, and PDE-4 Inhibitor), Inhaled Corticosteroids, Inhaled Corticosteroid / Bronchodilator Combination Agents, and Multiple Sclerosis Agents. CHANGES TO EXISTING POINT OF SALE PRIOR AUTHORIZATION (PA) CRITERIA OR EDITS: Second Generation Antidepressants, Trazodone, and Tricyclic Antidepressants prescribed to Children ≤ 3 years of age; Metaproterenol syrup10 mg/5 ml, 10 mg, 20 mg tablet; Terbutaline tablets and vials for injection; Topical Fluorouracil Agents, Potassium Chloride Oral Liquid and Effervescent tablets; NEW AND REVISED CLINICAL EDITS THROUGH THE MANUAL REVIEW PA PROCESS: Corlanor® (ivabradine HCl); Ocaliva™ (obeticholic acid); Synera® (lidocaine/tetracaine) Patch; Dibenzyline® (phenoxybenzamine); Zurampic® (lesinurad) tablet; Tasigna® (nilotinib) capsule; Xiidra™ (lifitegrast) ophthalmic solution; Tykerb® (lapatinib) tablet; Spritam® (levetiracetam) tablet for suspension. |
8/29/2016 | AR Medicaid PA edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board JULY 20, 2016 meeting: ADDITIONS TO THE AR MEDICAID PREFERRED DRUG LIST (PDL): Preferred status added to the following drugs: OTIC: Ciprodex® otic, neomycin/polymyxin HC otic, ciprofloxacin otic, acetic acid 2% otic, acetic acid HC otic; PANCREATIC ENZYMES: CREON®, ZENPEP®; CF INHALED ANTIBIOTICS: BETHKIS®, KITABIS™; GROWTH HORMONES: GENOTROPIN®; HCV TREATMENT: ZEPATIER™, EPCLUSA®, ribavirin 200 mg tablets and capsules; CHANGES TO EXISTING POINT OF SALE PRIOR AUTHORIZATION (PA) CRITERIA OR EDITS: Total daily dose 300 Morphine Milligram Equivalents (MME) for all short-acting opioid drugs, long-acting opioid drugs, or combination of both, for chronic pain patients; NEW AND REVISED CLINICAL EDITS THROUGH THE MANUAL REVIEW PA PROCESS: NINLARO® (ixazomib); ENTRESTO™ (sacubitril and valsartan); VRAYLAR™ (cariprazine); VENCLEXTA™ (venetoclax); NUPLAZID™ (pimavanserin); SERNIVO™ (betamethasone dipropionate); EMVERM™ (mebendazole); BRIVIACT® (brivaracetam); CLAIM EDITS, INCLUDING DOSE-OP, DAILY DOSE/QUANTITY EDITS, CUMULATIVE QUANTITY EDIT, And ACCUMULATION EDITS: loperamide 2 mg capsule |
6/8/2016 | AR Medicaid PA edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board April 20, 2016 meeting: CHANGES TO EXISTING POINT OF SALE PRIOR AUTHORIZATION (PA) CRITERIA OR EDITS: OPIOID CEILING DOSE OF MORPHINE MILLIGRAM EQUIVALENTS (MME) FOR OPIOID DRUGS; C-II STIMULANTS and C-III STIMULANTS (modafinil or armodafinil ) for non-ADD/ADHD diagnoses; ANTIPSYCHOTIC AGENTS FOR CHILDREN less than 18 years of age; GROWTH HORMONES (somatropin); ANADROL®-50 (oxymetholone); NEW AND REVISED CLINICAL EDITS THROUGH THE MANUAL REVIEW PA PROCESS: HCV Therapies: ZEPATIER™ (elbasvir and grazoprevir), HARVONI® (ledipasvir and sofosbuvir); VIEKIRA PAK™ (ombitasvir, paritaprevir, and ritonavir tablets and dasabuvir tablets), DAKLINZA™ (daclatasvir), SOVALDI® (sofosbuvir); TECHNIVIE™ (ombitasvir and paritaprevir and ritonavir); KALYDECO® (ivacaftor); ORKAMBI™ (lumacaftor/ivacaftor); NARCAN® (naloxone) NASAL Spray; VIBERZI™ (eluxadoline); LOTRONEX® (alosetron); ALECENSA® (alectinib); UPTRAVI® (selexipag); LANOXIN® (digoxin); STRENSIQ™ (asfotase alfa); CORLANOR® (ivabradine HCl); TRESIBA® (insulin degludec injection) LA INSULIN PEN; GLEEVEC® (imatinib) 400 mg; CLAIM EDITS, INCLUDING DOSE-OP, DAILY DOSE/QUANTITY EDITS, CUMULATIVE QUANTITY EDIT, And ACCUMULATION EDITS: Select Cough and Cold Products containing Codeine |
3/16/2016 | AR Medicaid PA edits approved at the AR Medicaid DUR Board January 20, 2016 meeting: Changes To Existing Prior Authorization (PA) Criteria Or Edits: CIPRODEX® OTIC SUSPENSION changed to NO PA; generic OFLOXACIN otic drops will require Manual PA; Long-Acting Or Depot Formulation Antipsychotic Injectable Agents, including ABILIFY® MAINTENA™ (aripiprazole), ARISTADA™ (aripiprazole lauroxil), IVEGA SUSTENNA® (paliperidone palmitate), RISPERDAL CONSTA® (risperidone), ZYPREXA® RELPREVV™ (olanzapine pamoate), haloperidol decanoate inj., fluphenazine decanoate injection; All SHORT-ACTING OPIOID AGENTS in tablet or capsule form; Clinical edits through the Manual Review PA Process: HCV Treatment HARVONI® (ledipasvir and sofosbuvir); HUMIRA® (adalimumab) injection when used for treating HS; ODOMZO® (sonidegib) 200 mg capsules; LONSURF® (trifluridine and tipiracil) tablets 20 mg/8.19 mg and 15 mg/6.14 mg; GLEOSTINE™ (lomustine) capsules 100 mg, 40 mg, 10 mg, 5 mg; TAGRISSO™ (osimertinib) tablets , 80 mg, 40 mg; COTELLIC™ (cobimetinib) tablets 20 mg; VELTASSA™ (patiromer) powder for oral suspension. |
8/14/2015 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the July 15, 2015 meeting: Changes To Existing Prior Authorization (PA) Criteria Or Edits: Viekira Pak™ (dasabuvir and ombitasvir and paritaprevir and ritonavir); Oral anticoagulant drugs; Protopic® (tacrolimus) ointment, Elidel® (pimecromlimus) cream, Dovonex® (calcipotriene) cream; Evista® (raloxifene hydrochloride) tablet; Regranex® (becaplemin) gel; Movantik™ (naloxegol) tablet; Constipation drugs including Linzess® (linaclotide), Amitiza® (lubiprostone), Movantik™ (naloxegol), and Relistor® (methylnaltrexone bromide); Xarelto® (rivaroxaban) 10 mg; Long-acting opioid agents; Clinical edits through the Manual Review PA Process: Cholbam™ (cholic acid); Natpara® (parathyroid hormone); Sandostatin® (octreotide acetate) LAR Depot Injection; Invega Trinza™ (paliperidone palmitate) injection; Namzaric™ (memantine/donepezil) capsule; Point-of-Sale (POS) Clinical Edits with or without Claim Edits: Avycaz™ (ceftazidime-avibactam) inj.; Cresemba® (isavuconazonium sulfate) capsule and vial. |
6/15/2015 | AR Board edits approved at the April 15, 2015 meeting: Changes To Existing Prior Authorization (PA) Criteria Or Edits: All Tramadol products; Clarifying look-back period for NPO/”swallow criteria”; Oral Anticoagulants: warfarin, ELIQUIS® (apixaban), PRADAXA® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate), XARELTO® (Rivaroxaban), and XARELTO® Starter Pack, SAVAYSA™ (edoxaban tosylate); SL Allergen Extracts: Grastek®, Ragwitek™; Amitiza® (lubiprostone), Linzess™ (linaclotide); Opioid–Induced Constipation (OIC): Relistor® (methylnaltrexone bromide) injection; Clinical edits through the Manual Review PA Process: Synribo® (omacetaxine mepesuccinate) 3.5 mg/ml vial for SQ administration; Esbriet® (pirfenidone) 267 mg capsule; Ofev® (nintedanib) capsule, 100 mg and 150 mg; Thiola® (tiopronin) tablet 100 mg; Zelapa® (selegiline) 1.25 mg ODT tablet; AEVCS edits, including Dose-op edits, Cumulative Quantity, Daily Dose edits, Age edits, or Gender edits: Mesalamine enema 4 gm/60 ml; Sucralfate 1 gm/10 ml suspension. |
3/12/2015 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the January 21, 2015 meeting: Changes To Existing Prior Authorization (PA) Criteria Or Edits: Albuterol IR 4mg tablets; Myalept 11.3 (5mg/ml) (metreleptin) vial; New HCV therapies (Sovaldi®, Harvoni®, and Viekira Pak®); Daytrana® (methylphenidate transdermal system) 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, and 30 mg patch; Clinical edits through the Manual Review PA Process: Synribo® (omacetaxine mepesuccinate) 3.5 mg/ml vial for SQ administration; Esbriet® (pirfenidone) 267 mg capsule; Ofev® (nintedanib) capsule, 100 mg and 150 mg; Thiola® (tiopronin) tablet 100 mg; Zelapa® (selegiline) 1.25 mg ODT tablet; AEVCS edits, including Dose-op edits, Cumulative Quantity, Daily Dose edits, Age edits, or Gender edits: Mesalamine enema 4 gm/60 ml; Sucralfate 1 gm/10 ml suspension; |
2/10/2015 | New Medicaid Pharmacy Vendor |
1/26/2015 | New Medicaid Pharmacy Vendor |
12/19/2014 | New Medicaid Pharmacy Vendor |
11/26/2014 | AR Medicaid DUR Board Edits Approved at the October 15, 2014 Meeting: Changes to Existing Prior Authorization (PA) Criteria or Edits; Clinical Edits through the Manual Review PA Process; AEVCS Edits, including Dose-Op Edits, Cumulative Quantity, Daily Dose Edits, Age Edits, or Gender Edits |
9/15/2014 | New Medicaid Pharmacy Vendor |
8/18/2014 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the July 16, 2014 meeting: Changes To Existing Prior Authorization (PA) Criteria Or Edits: Synagis® (palivizumab); Xolair® (omalizumab) injection; Denavir® (penciclovir) 1% 5 gm cream; Clinical edits through the Manual Review PA Process: Lazanda® (fentanyl) nasal spray; Ragwitek™ (short Ragweed Pollen Allergen Extract); Grastek® (Timothy Grass Pollen Allergen Extract); Myalept™ (metreleptin) injection; Hetlioz™ (tasimelteon) capsule; Orfadin® (nitisinone) capsule; Oxsoralen-Ultra® (methoxsalen) capsule; 8-MOP® (methoxsalen) capsule; Zykadia™ (ceritinib) capsule; Zontivity™ (vorapaxar) tablet; Sylvant™ (siltuximab); Evzio™ (naloxone) auto-injector; Sitavig® (acyclovir) buccal tablet |
5/21/2014 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the April 16, 2014 meeting: Changes To Existing Prior Authorization (PA) Criteria Or Edits: CII stimulants; Cuvposa® (glycopyrrolate) oral solution; Noxafil® (posaconazole) oral suspension; Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI) Clinical edits through the Manual Review PA Process: Noxafil® (posaconazole) DR tablet and Noxafil® (posaconazole) inj.;glycopyrrolate 0.2 mg/ml vials and Cuvposa® (glycopyrrolate) oral solution; Sovaldi® (sofosbuvir) tablet; Olysio® (simeprevir) capsule; Otrexup® (methotrexate) auto injector; clonidine HCl PF vials; Aptiom® (eslicarbazepine acetate) tablet; Zohydro® (hydrocodone) ER capsule; Fycompa® (perampanel) tablet; Fosrenol® chew tablets; Velphoro® chew tablet; Renvela® powder packets Clinical edits added through point-of-sale (POS) edit system: Lupaneta® (leuprolide/norethindrone acet) kit 3.5-5 mg 1 month inj. and 11.25-5 mg 3 month inj. AEVCS edits (Dose-op edits, Cumulative Quantity, Daily Dose edits, Age edits, or Gender edits): Afinitor® (everolimus) disperz tablets; Vimpat® (lacosamide) tablets |
2/12/2014 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the Jan. 15, 2014 meeting: Clinical edits added through point-of-sale (POS) edit system: Long-acting formulations of oral solid dosage forms for which exists an IR formulation; Insulin pens for which exists a multidose vial of the same formulation Clinical edits through the Manual Review PA Process: Adempas® tablets; Opsumit® tablet; Glycate® tablet; Procysbi® capsules; tobramycin inhalation solution; Bethkis® inhalation solution; Valchlor® topical gel; unit dose liquids for which bulk liquids exist with MAC pricing; Imbruvica® capsule; albuterol ER tablets and syrup; Lamictal® disper tablets; Lamictal® or lamotrigine start kits AEVCS edits (Dose-op edits, Cumulative Quantity, Daily Dose edits, Age edits, or Gender edits): promethazine suppositories; Neupogen® injection; Neulasta® injection; Emsam® patches; Ranexa® ER tablets; Afinitor® disperz tablets; Vimpat® tablets |
11/8/2013 | Arkansas Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the October 9, 2013 meeting: Clinical edits added through point-of-sale (POS) edit system: CellCept® (mycophenolate mofetil); Clinical edits through the Manual Review PA Process: ASTAGRAF XL™ (tacrolimus); TOBI® Podhaler™ (tobramycin inhalation powder); SIRTURO™ (bedaquiline fumarate); NYMALIZE™ (nimodipine); Trokendi XR™ (topiramate); CYSTARAN™ (cysteamine HCl) ophthalmic drops; GILOTRIF™ (afatinib dimaleate); ZYTIGA® (abiraterone acetate); AEVCS edits (Dose-op edits, Cumulative Quantity, Daily Dose edits, Age edits, or Gender edits): Butalbital combination pain medications (butalbital/APAP; butalbital/ASA/Caffeine) |
10/21/2013 | NCPDP Field Requirement |
8/5/2013 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the July 17, 2013 meeting: Changes to existing PA Criteria or Edits: desonide 0.05% cream; Revised age ranges and max daily doses for oral 2nd generation ("Atypical") antipsychotic agents for children; Clinical edits added through point-of-sale (POS) edit system: Dose edits for oral 1st generation ("Typical") antipsychotic agents for children; dose edits & manual review for Fanapt®, Latuda®, Saphris® for use in children; perphenazine/amitriptyline tablet use in children; Risperdal® Consta®; Invega® Sustenna®; 1st & 2nd generation long-acting and depot forms of injectable antipsychotic agents; Lexiva® tablets and oral suspension; complete doseoptimization chart for oral antipsychotic agents; Clinical edits through the Manual Review PA Process: Ridaura® 3 mg capsule; Osphena™ tablet; Signifor® inj.; BiDil® tablet; Diclegis® tablet; Vecamyl™ tablet; Lovaza® capsule, penicillamine; Syprine® capsule; Tafinlar® capsule; Mekinist™ tablet; Glycophos® vial; AEVCS edits, including Dose-op edits, Cumulative Quantity, Daily Dose edits, Age edits, or Gender edits: Alzheimer's Disease agents; naltrexone 50 mg tablet; Viramune® tablets and oral suspension and Viramune® XR; Tikosyn® tablets |
6/6/2013 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the April 17, 2013 meeting: Changes to existing PA Criteria or Edits: Corticosteroid PA list updated; Accumulation quantity limit on short acting opioids Clinical edits through the Manual Review PA Process: Acthar® (corticotropin) HP Gel Inj; Ravicti™(glycerol phenylbutyrate) liquid 1.1 gm/ml; Gattex® (teduglutide [rDNA origin]) 5 mg vial; Vascepa® (icosapent ethyl) 1 gm capsule; Juxtapid™ (lomitapide mesylate) 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg capsule; Kynamro™ (mipomersen sodium) 200 mg syringe; Migranal® NS (dihydroergotamine mesylate) 4 mg/ml; Pomalyst® (pomalidomide) 1 mg, 2 mg, 3 mg, 4 mg capsules; Cometriq™ (cabozantinib) 20 mg, 60 mg, 80 mg, 100mg, 140 mg tablets; Promacta® (eltrombopag) 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 75 mg, 100 mg tablets; Fulyzaq™ (crofelemer) 125 mg delayed release tablet; Iclusig™ (ponatinib) 15 mg, 45 mg tablet; Giazo™ (balsalazide disodium) 1.1 gm tablet Clinical edits added through point-of-sale (POS) edit system: Eliquis® (apixaban) 2.5 mg, 5 mg tablet; Uceris™ (budesonide) extended release 9 mg capsule; Entocort® (budesonide) EC 3 mg capsule; 1st and 2nd generation long-acting injectable antipsychotic agents in children AEVCS edits, including Dose-op edits, Cumulative Quantity and Daily Dose edits: Santyl® ointment 30 gm tube; Mirapex® ER tablet; Requip® XL tablet |
2/8/2013 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the Jan. 16, 2013 meeting: Changes to existing PA Criteria or Edits: LTC recipients will be included in benzodiazepine accumulation quantity edit; clarithromycin XL criteria removed; Clinical edits through the Manual Review PA Process: Bosulif® (bosutinib) 100 mg and 500 mg tablets; Stivarga® (regorafenib) 40 mg tablet; Linzess® (linacoltide) 145 mg and 290 mg capsules; Onmel® (itraconazole) 200 mg tablet; Soltamox® (tamoxifen) 10 mg/5 ml oral solution; Clinical edits added or revised through point-of-sale (POS) edit system: Zovirax® cream, Zovirax® oint., Denavir® cream; Xarelto® 15 mg and 20 mg tablet; Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) drug criteria; AEVCS edits, including Dose-op edits, Cumulative Quantity and Daily Dose edits: Medications that are deemed "Exclusively Pediatric" indications; primadone 50 mg; Emergency Override reminder |
11/19/2012 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the October 17, 2012 meeting: Clinical edits through the Manual Review PA Process: Truvada® (tenofovir 300 mg/emtricitabine 200 mg) when used for PrEP; XTANDI® (enzalutamide) capsules; Rayos® DR (prednisone) tablets; Clinical edits added or revised through point-of-sale (POS) edit system: COPD medications— Spiriva® HandiHaler® (tiotropium bromide inhalation powder) and Tudorza™ Pressair™ (aclidinium bromide inhalation powder); Lyrica® (pregabalin) 20 mg/ml oral solution; AEVCS edits, including Dose-op edits, Cumulative Quantity and Daily Dose edits: Invega® ER tablets; Antidiabetic agents Reminders: Antipsychotic agents require POS approval criteria in children < 18 yrs of age that require metabolic lab tests every 6 months. (see page 5) Section 175 of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA) amended section 1860D- 2(e)(2)(A) of the Act to include Medicare Part D coverage of barbiturates "used in the treatment of epilepsy, cancer, or a chronic mental health disorder" and benzodiazepines. |
8/30/2012 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the July 18, 2012 meeting: Clinical edits through the Manual Review PA Process: New drugs to market; KCl 8 mEq and 10 mEq capsules, and 25 mEq packets; Korlym® (mifepristone) tablet; Votrient® (pazopanib) tablet; Afinitor® (everolimus) tablets; Clinical edits added or revised through point-of-sale (POS) edit system: Xyrem® (sodium oxybate) 500mg/ml oral solution; Quantity Edits: Zirgan® (ganciclovir ophthalmic gel) 0.15%; Tindamax® (tinidazole) tablets; short-acting oral opioid analgesics; topical antifungal agents; topical antiparasitic agents; NSAIDS Reminder regarding antipsychotic agents and requirement of POS criteria for metabolic lab tests monitoring that began June 12, 2012 in children < 18 yrs. of age can be found on page 6. |
8/1/2012 | System Confirmation of (6) Month Prescription Allowance |
6/5/2012 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the April 18, 2012 meeting: Clinical edits through the Manual Review PA Process: Kalydeco® (ivacaftor) 150 mg tablet; COSOPT® PF (timolol maleate/dorzolamide HCl) preservative free; INLYTA® (axitinib) 5 mg and 1 mg tablets; SKLICE™ (ivermectin) 0.5% topical lotion; ERIVEDGE™ (vismodegib) 150 mg capsule; FERRIPROX® (DEFERIPRONE) 500 mg tablets; ARCALYST® (RILONACEPT) 220 mg injection; RECTIV® (nitroglycerine) OINTMENT 0.4% FOR INTRA-ANAL USE; Temazepam 7.5 mg and 22.5 mg capsules; KEFLEX® (cephalexin) 750 MG CAPSULE; TRAZODONE (OLEPTRO® ER 150 MG AND ER 300 MG; TRAZODONE 300 MG); PICATO® (INGENOL MEBUTATE) GEL 0.01% AND 0.05% FOR TOPICAL USE; ONFI® (clobazam) 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg tablets Clinical edits added or revised through point-of-sale (POS) edit system: Finasteride 5 mg tablets Quantity Edits: Zyvox® (linezolid) Zyvox® for oral susp. 100 mg/5 ml; Meprobamate 200 mg and 400 mg tablets; EMLA® cream (lidocaine-prilocaine topical cream), 5 gm tube and 30 gm tube; Uloric® (febuxostat) 40 mg and 80 mg tablet REMINDER OF PREVIOUS COMMUNICATIONS ON PAGES 5 & 6: Reminder regarding April 17, 2012 ADD/ADHD PDL changes and continuation criteria for the non-preferred C-II stimulant drugs; reminder regarding antipsychotic agents and requirement of POS criteria for metabolic monitoring beginning June 12, 2012 in children < 18 yrs. of age. |
3/15/2012 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the January 18, 2012 meeting: Clinical edits through Manual Review PA Process: Prolia® (denosumab) 60 mg/ml inj; Xalkori® (crizotinib) caps; Zelboraf™ (vemurafenib) tablet; levothyroxine vials; Vistide® (cidofovir) inj; Clinical edits added or revised through point-of-sale (POS) edit system: Pradaxa® (dabigatran) tablets; Xarelto® (rivaroxaban) tablets; Singulair® (montelukast); Quantity Edits: Zyvox® (linezolid tablet and oral suspension; antihistamine nasal sprays; Jakafi® (ruxolitinib) tabs; Somavert® (pegvisomant) inj; Cancidas® (caspofungin) vials; UPDATE ON PREVIOUS COMMUNICATIONS: Reminder regarding Antipsychotic drug use in children < 18 yrs of age; methylphenidate IR change in status on PDL. |
2/12/2014 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the Jan. 15, 2014 meeting: Clinical edits added through point-of-sale (POS) edit system: Long-acting formulations of oral solid dosage forms for which exists an IR formulation; Insulin pens for which exists a multidose vial of the same formulation Clinical edits through the Manual Review PA Process: Adempas® tablets; Opsumit® tablet; Glycate® tablet; Procysbi® capsules; tobramycin inhalation solution; Bethkis® inhalation solution; Valchlor® topical gel; unit dose liquids for which bulk liquids exist with MAC pricing; Imbruvica® capsule; albuterol ER tablets and syrup; Lamictal® disper tablets; Lamictal® or lamotrigine start kits AEVCS edits (Dose-op edits, Cumulative Quantity, Daily Dose edits, Age edits, or Gender edits): promethazine suppositories; Neupogen® injection; Neulasta® injection; Emsam® patches; Ranexa® ER tablets; Afinitor® disperz tablets; Vimpat® tablets |
11/23/2011 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the October 19, 2011 meeting: Clinical edits through Manual Review PA Process: Eurax® (crotamiton) cream and lotion; Ryzolt™ ER (tramadol ER) 100mg, 200mg and 300mg tablet; Conzip® ER (tramadol ER) 100mg, 200mg and 300mg capsule; Benign prostatic hypertrophy drugs; Mast Cell Stabilizer eye drops, Antihistamine eye drops and Mast Cell Stabilizer/Antihistamine combination eye drops; Clinical edits added or revised through point-of-sale (POS) edit system: Daliresp® (roflumilast) 500mcg tablet; Dificid® (fidaxomicin) 200mg tablet; Lodosyn® (carbidopa) 25mg tablet; Comtan® (entacapone) 200mg tablet; Stalevo® (carbidopa; Quantity Edits: Nystatin Topical Powder; Arava® (leflunomide); Celexa® (citalopram); fluoride preparations, Epipen® (epinephrine) syringes. |
8/31/2011 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the JULY 20, 2011 meeting: Clinical edits through Manual Review PA Process added to: antipsychotic agents for children < 18 yrs; testosterone products; short-acting opioid analgesic pain medications; oral HCV protease inhibitor agents; Dexpak® and Zema-pak®; bowel prep kits; Opium Tincture, USP (Deodorized); Point-of-sale (POS) edit system: antibiotic-steroid fixed dose combination ophthalmic drops; Zyclara® (imiquimod) cream; Sporanox® (itraconazole) oral solution; furantoin solution, mycophenolate mofetil susp; sucralfate susp.; Tamiflu® oral susp; desmopressin intranasal formulations; Zovirax® 2 gm cream; Quantity Edits: Pristiq® 50 mg; antibiotic and antibiotic/steroid combination ophthalmic ointments; triamcinolone 0.1% paste; Vectical® ointment; Dovonex® cream and solution; Tazorac® cream and gel; Mepron® suspension; Sporanox® 100 mg capsules; Zemplar® capsules; chlorzoxazone tablet; Rilutek® tablet. INCARCERATED MEDICAID RECIPIENTS: Medicaid Pharmacy Program is prohibited from paying for drug claims for Medicaid recipients who are incarcerated. |
5/17/2011 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the APRIL 20, 2011 meeting: Clinical edits through Manual Review PA Process added to: Zantac® (ranitidine) 25 mg Efferdose tablet, Nuedexta® (dextromethorphan Hbr/quinidine) capsules, Cinryze® (C1 esterase inhibitor [human]), Natroba® (spinosad) topical suspension, Lysteda® (tranexamic acid) tablets, Benlysta® (belimumab), Botox® (botulinum toxin type A) 100 units and 200 units (onabotulinumtoxina), and Cuvposa® (glycopyrrolate) 1mg/5ml oral solution; Clinical edits added or revised through point-of-sale (POS) edit system: Daliresp® (roflumilast) 500mcg tablet. Solaraze® (diclofenac) 3% gel, Efudex® (fluorouracil) 2% or 5% solution, 5% cream, Ranitidine 15mg/ml syrup, and Lupron- DEPOT® (leuprolide acetate) injections (including Lupron- DEPOT® PED); Quantity Edits: Canasa® (mesalamine) 1000mg suppository, and Fanapt® (iloperidone) titration pack and tablets. INCARCERATED MEDICAID RECIPIENTS: Medicaid Pharmacy Program is prohibited from paying for drug claims for Medicaid recipients who are incarcerated. |
3/11/2011 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the JANUARY 19, 2011 meeting: Clinical edits through Manual Review PA Process added to: Selzentry (maraviroc);Kuvan (sapropterin dihydrochloride); Azithromycin Powder Packets and ZMAX® (azithromycin) Adult-Ped 2 gm/60 ml suspension; Clinical edits added or revised through point-of-sale (POS) edit system: Protopic® (tacrolimus) and Elidel® (pimecromlimus; Lamisil® (terfinafine) Granule Packet; Renvela® 0.8 gm Powder Packet; Injectable pain medications; Cumulative Quantity Edits: Injectable pain medications; Benzonatate capsules; injectable antibiotic and antifungal drugs; INCARCERATED MEDICAID RECIPIENTS: Medicaid Pharmacy Program is prohibited from paying for drug claims for Medicaid recipients who are incarcerated. |
12/8/2010 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the OCTOBER 20, 2010 meeting: Clinical edits through Manual Review PA Process added to: C-II stimulant use in ADULTS age 18 yrs and older; Suboxone® or Subutex® edits revised; Fenofibrate & Fenofibric Acid products; Millipred® (prednisolone) 5 mg tablets and tablet dose packs; CiproDex® Otic Susp (ciprofloxacin/dexamethasone), Cipro HC® Otic Susp (ciprofloxacin/HC), Trioxin® Otic susp (chloroxylenol/benzoc/HC), Cortisporin-TC® Ear susp (Neomy sulf/colist sul/HC/thonz), Cortamox® lotion (HC/pramoxine HCl/chloroxylenol), Coly-mycin S® Ear Drops (neomy sulf/colist sul/HC/thonz), and Acetasol HC ear drops; Clinical edits added or revised through point-of-sale (POS) edit system: topical steroid agents; topical antifungal agents; Pulmozyme® (dornase alfa) inhalation solution; TOBI® (tobramycin) inhalation solution; Restasis® (cyclosporine) .05% Eye Emulsion, Lacrisert® (hydroxyproply cellulose) 5 mg eye insert; Vectical® (calcitriol) ointment, Tazorac® (tazarotene) gel/cream, Dovonex® (calcipotriene) cream; Protopic® (tacrolimus), Elidel® (pimecrolimus), Testosterone replacement products (Androgel® Androderm®, Testim®, testosterone injection); Valcyte® (valganciclovir) oral solution; topical products for treating rosacea; topical products for treating seborrheic dermatitis; Humira® (adalimumab) injection; ICD9 code list used to identify COPD patients in Medicaid history for PA criteria revised; Cumulative Quantity Edits: Drugs in the Medicaid system that currently have a daily dose limit will have a cumulative quantity edit added; Non-FDA approved drugs removed from coverage: topical Urea, Salicylic Acid, Urea/Salicylic Acid, and urea/lactic acid/salicylic acid, urea/hyaluronate sodium, urea/lactic acid/zinc undecylenate, salicylic acid/ammon lact/aloe, lactic acid products; topical sulfacetamide sodium products, and selenium sulfide 2.25% shampoo; FreshKote® Eye Drops |
8/26/2010 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the JULY 21, 2010 meeting: Clarification of PPI edits; Clinical edits through POS SmartPA system added to: all benzodiazepines; Zyprexa® Relprevv™; Aldex® AN chew tablet; Rybix® ODT; Xifaxan® 200 mg and 550 mg tablets; Xolegel® 2% gel; Extina® 2% foam; Singulair®; Clinical edits through manual review added to: Ampyra® tablet; Cayston® inhalation solution; |
6/11/2010 | AR Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the APRIL 21, 2010 meeting: Clinical edits added to: ARBs; acetic acid HC ear drops; non-preferred drug Maxalt MLT (rizatriptan); Osteoporosis drugs; Proton Pump Inhibitors; Orapred® (prednisolone sodium phosphate) ODT tablets; Trexall® (methotrexate); clarithromycin XL 500 mg tablet; Flagyl® (metronidazole) ER 750 mg tablet; topiramate sprinkle capsules 15 mg and 25 mg; Uloric® tablets; “Kits” and combination products containing 2 products under one NDC; Tirosint® (levothyroxine) capsules; Colcyrs® (colchicines) tablets; Quantity edits added to: prenatal vitamins; topiramate 25 mg and 50 mg tablets; cough products; change on qty edit for Migranal® 4 mg/ml nasal spray; Changes to coverage in the optional coverage category of cough products. |
5/3/2010 | NCPDP Field Requirement |
2/25/2010 | Arkansas Medicaid DUR Board edits approved at the Jan. 20, 2010 meeting: Singulair® cumulative quantity edit added; Singulair® clinical edits clarified; Cold Products containing either pseudoephedrine or chlorpheniramine plus a drying agent; Ciclopirox 8% Kit; Bensal® HP ointment; Zinotic® and Zinotic® ES ear drops; Terbinex Kit. |
12/10/2009 | Clinical edits and quantity edits on Invega® Sustenna™; clinical edits on anti-inflammatory ophthalmic drops; clinical edits on Nucort® 2% Lotion and Nuzone® 2% Gel; clinical edits on Metozolv® ODT tablets; quantity edit on Zovirax® 15 gm ointment; clinical edits on Ulesfia® 5% Lotion; clinical edits on hemorrhoid preparations; clinical edits on first generation antihistaminedecongestant liquid and oral solid dosage forms |
8/12/2009 | Clonidine & guanfacine qty edits amended; Synagis® PA criteria updates; clinical edits amended for opioids; Hepatitis C medication therapy meds; Ranexa® clinical edits amended; new clinical edits and/or claim edits added for the following medications: overactive bladder medications; Lamictal® ODT tablets; Riomet® 500 mg/5 ml oral solution; Gastrocom® 100 mg/5 ml concentrate; Valcyte® tablet; Synarel® Nasal Spray; Xenazine® tablets; Floxin® Otic Singles, Ciprofloxacin ER tablets & Proquin® XR tablets; Moxatag® ER tablets; Mepron® 750/5 ml suspension; Topical Antifungal Agents, including cream, solution, lotion and shampoo; antibiotic ophthalmic drops; Altabax® ointment; Cetraxal® Otic Singles; Zonalon® 5% & Prudoxin® 5% (doxepin 5%) cream. |
4/27/2009 | Effective July 7, 2009: Antipsychotics oral agents, clonidine, & guanfacine therapeutic duplication edits, age edits, and quantity and dose edits in recipients < 18 years of age; manual review on all antipsychotic agents for recipients < 5 years of age; clinical edits on oral dissolvable tablets or liquids for atypical antipsychotics for all ages; quantity and dose edits for the following drugs: chloral hydrate liquid and capsules, Transderm Scōp® patch, Bactroban® nasal oint, Tyzine® nasal spray and drops; manual review for Milipred®; Effective July 21, 2009: ADD/ADHD medications listed for preferred and non-preferred status, addition of preferred medications, Strattera® clinical edits and manual review for recipients < 5 years of age; Effective August 11, 2009: Asthma medications listed for preferred and non-preferred status, edits for select non-preferred agents used in asthma; Singulair® clinical edits for asthma monotherapy or allergic rhinitis; Effective immediately: to prevent billing errors, dose and quantity edits on Moxatag ER 775 mg & Proquin XR 500 mg; |
3/11/2009 | SGAD criteria amended; opioid criteria amended to include tramadol IR, tramadol/APAP and tramadol ER, and new denial criteria for patients receiving treatment for opioid dependence; modified appropriate package-size edit table to include additional non-solid dosage form products; new clinical edits and/or claim edits added for Veripred® oral solution, Suboxone®, Subutex®, TZD combination products, and Letairis®. |
11/10/2008 | Revised clinical therapeutic duplication edits for all short-acting and long-acting opioids; clinical criteria for Axid® (nizatidine) oral solution, Lupron injection claim edits. |
8/1/2008 | Dose edits, quantity edits, and clinical therapeutic duplication edits for all short-acting and long-acting opioids; clinical edits and/or claim edits (quantity/dose, age, or gender) on Relistor® (methylnaltrexone bromide SQ injection, Pepcid® (famotidine) oral su0spension, Baraclude® (entecavir) tablets, and non-pediculicide medicated shampoos (Capex® (fluocinolone acetonide), Clobex® shampoo (clobetasol proprionate), Loprox® shampoo (ciclopirox), selenium sulfide shampoo, ketoconazole, salicylic acid shampoo), NovoSeven® RT (Coagulation Factor VIIa Recombinant) Intravenous bolus injection. |
5/20/2008 | Clinical edits, and claim edits (quantity/dose, age, or gender) for Pamine®, Pamine Forte®, Pamine FQ® kit, Veregen® ointment 15%, minocycline & doxycycline solid dosage forms, Auralgan® ear drops, oral liquids packaged and dosed as drops, tramadol immediate release and Ultram® ER; FYI section for Plan B®, and Incarcerated persons; Corrections or changes to previous edits for Vusion® ointment, NTG patches, and LABA/ICS combination products. |
2/12/2008 | Clinical edits, and claim edits (quantity/dose, age, or gender) for ESAs, topical corticosteroids, Vusion ointment, Soriatane capsules, DDAVP nasal preparations, Panafil SE aerosol, Entocort EC capsules, Zovirax 5% cream, Denavir 1% cream. Clarification of Invega, Noxafil, & AEVCS edits implemented Jan. 2008 |
12/13/2007 | Notice of Third Party Billing |
11/28/2007 | Clinical edits, and claim edits (quantity/dose, age, or gender) for Anabolic steroids oxandrolone, nandrolone decanoate inj., oxymethalone; Cytotec tablets; Invega tablets; Condylox gel and solution; Noxafil suspension; Pulmozyme inhalation solution; TOBI inhalation solution; Taclonex ointment; Xolegel 2% and Xolegel Duo Convenience Pack; Ponstel capsules; Targretin gel |
8/8/2007 | Clinical edits, Age edits, and or Quantity/Dose edits: CATAPRES TTS patches, KETEK tablets, JANUVIA tablets, TEKTURNA tablets, SEROQUEL XR tablets, CHANTIX tablets, AMITIZA tablets, and ACETAMINOPHEN and ACETAMINOPHEN COMBINATION drugs |
5/23/2007 | Clinical edits and quantity/dose edits: Marinol® capsules; Cesamet® capsules; Qualaquin® capsules; Aldara® cream; Forteo® injection; Amitiza® capsule. Quantity/dose edits: Actos®; Avandia®; Cozaar®, Hyzaar®; estradiol; estropipate; Nexium®; Prevacid®; simvastatin. Emergency Override process. Tramadol listed as a controlled drug. Flovent® HFA and QVAR® HFA for respiratory insufficiency patients. |
2/6/2007 | Qty edits on contraceptive agents; age edit and qty edit on Protopic ointment; clinical edits and revised dose edits for ADD/ADHD drugs; new edit alert for incorrect decimal package size billed |
12/4/2006 | Clinical edits on Celebrex, Lidoderm Patch, Exubera, Growth Hormones; Quantity limits on Oxytrol Patch, Zelnorm, Strattera, Neulasta, Exubera |
9/18/2006 | Clinical edits on Ranexa, Serostim, Megace and Megace ES; Quantity limits on Ranexa, Megace, Megace ES, Miacalcin, Tamiflu suspension, Tamiflu capsules, Glucagon Emergency Kits, and Singulair |
9/15/2006 | Therapeutic Duplication, Dose Optimization, and Quantity limits on C-II Stimulants |
7/10/2006 | Quantity limit edits on Elidel Cream, Inhalers, Nasal Sprays, Ophthalmics, and Otics |
5/15/2006 | Clinical Edits on Long Acting Beta Agonists, Tequin, Byetta, and Symlin. Therapeutic Duplication on Sedative Hypnotics. Quantity limit edits on Rebif, Byetta, Combunox, and Enbrel |
3/16/2006 | Quantity limit edits on Arixtra, Fragmin, Lovenox, Innohep, Diflucan 150 mg tablet, Lyrica |
2/16/2006 | Quantity limit edit and PA criteria edit on Lindane shampoo, Lindane Lotion, Ovide Lotion; Quantity limit edit on Risperdal Consta |
1/5/2006 | Dose edits |
10/20/2005 | Transition of Products for Smoking Cessation from Voice Response System to Electronic Point of Sale (POS) System Modification |
12/1/2004 | Electronic Point of Sale (POS) System Modification Enhancement for Prescription Drugs |
Date | Description |
02/14/19 | Capped Upper Limits effective March 01, 2019 |
09/18/18 | Capped Upper Limits effective October 15, 2018 |
10/09/17 | Capped Upper Limits effective November 01, 2017 |
04/11/17 | Capped Upper Limits effective May 01, 2017 |
02/24/17 | Capped Upper Limits effective March 15, 2017 |
12/16/16 | Capped Upper Limits effective January 01, 2017 |
11/10/16 | Capped Upper Limits effective November 30, 2016 |
08/18/16 | Capped Upper Limits effective September 01, 2016 |
07/22/16 | Capped Upper Limits effective August 15, 2016 |
02/01/16 | Capped Upper Limits effective February 01, 2016 |
10/01/14 | Capped Upper Limits effective October 01, 2014 |
Date | Description |
01/28/16 | Generic Upper Limits changing effective February 15, 2016 |
01/15/16 | Generic Upper Limits changing effective January 15, 2016 |
07/15/14 | GUL Effective date |
06/01/14 | GUL Effective date |
03/15/14 | GUL Effective date |
10/01/13 | GUL Effective date |
09/01/13 | GUL Effective date |
07/15/13 | GUL Effective date |
06/30/13 | GUL Effective date |
Date | Filename |
Jan 2025 | ARRx_Newsletter_202501.pdf |
Oct 2024 | ARRx_Newsletter_202410.pdf |
Jul 2024 | ARRx_Newsletter_202407.pdf |
Apr 2024 | ARRx_Newsletter_202404.pdf |
Jan 2024 | ARRx_Newsletter_202401.pdf |
Oct 2023 | ARRx_newsletter_202310.pdf |
Jul 2023 | ARRx_newsletter_202307.pdf |
Apr 2023 | ARRx_newsletter_202304.pdf |
Jan 2023 | ARRx_newsletter_202301.pdf |
Oct 2022 | ARRx_newsletter_202210.pdf |
Jul 2022 | ARRx_newsletter_202207.pdf |
Apr 2022 | ARRx_newsletter_202204.pdf |
Jan 2022 | ARRx_newsletter_202201.pdf |
Oct 2021 | ARRx_newsletter_202110.pdf |
Description | File |
Prior Authorization Criteria and Preferred Product List | Clinical Criteria and Preferred Product List |
Description | File |
Frequently Asked Questions for DME providers | FAQs for Diabetic Supplies |
Web Claims Submission Guide | Web Claims Guide |
Web Portal Training for DME Providers and Pharmacy Providers | Video Tutorial Link |
Date | Description |
7/18/2024 | Official Notice for Diabetic Supply Program |
6/27/2024 | July Training Dates for DME providers and pharmacy providers |
6/21/2024 | Upcoming Continuous Glucose Monitor and Diabetic Supplies Training Dates |
6/11/2024 | Official Notice for Diabetic Supply Program |
4/25/2024 | Official Notice for Diabetic Supply Program |
3/26/2024 | Official Notice for Diabetic Supply Program |
3/1/2024 | Diabetic Supply Program Update |
11/28/23 | Diabetic Supply Program Update |
Description | File |
Preferred Products for Diabetic Supplies | Preferred Products |
WAC Pricing for Preferred Diabetic Supply List | DSP WAC Pricing information |